
Pablo Guevara

Software Engineer

Journal #1

May 18, 2019

Bomba con mantequilla

I’m starting a Journal series to write about my personal adventures, experiences and learnings from the week, I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to write on a specific day or it will be random (implying I will actually have a Journal #2 lol). This is based on a similar idea from other personal blogs I’ve been following and to expect I could come up with more ideas and, overall, I could pass through my constant fears about being judged and laughed at, Internet style (that is, maximum troll with doxxing and all the whole package). Anyway, that was quite an introduction, let me get started.

  • 🏖 Last Wednesday I was at the beach with my family, it was like 6 years since the last time I was at the beach or taking a day to actually relax and enjoy myself; it was like 10 years since the last time I gave me time to pass with my mom; and it was like the first time me and my girlfriend got to enjoy the day without worrying about anything else. I would definitely do it again, it was perfect.
  • 📚 On Thursday, I got a time to take some rest from the previous day lol. I started to read through the Book Clean Architecture, by Robert C. Martin , which I bought like 2 months ago but I was being too lazy to start reading. It’s actually pretty god and 6 days later I’m at 60% of it (according to the Kindle App), once I started I couldn’t stop and every time I get some free time, I continue reading it.
  • 🍽 On Friday, after 4 straight days doing 1 hour of jogging down the beach, we got visited by an old friend form college, there we got to take some of the best food you could get in Veracruz, Mexico (pic related).
  • 🌮 On Saturday, I got to get more time to visit my family, given that I was on my hometown, I managed to get a chance to visit them and greet in person, it was a nice experience, different from a regular Saturday for me. On the evening we got a romantic dinner with my girlfriend ( tacos lol, best-dinner-ever) 😍🥰
  • 🛫 On Sunday, travel day, it was a back-to-reality day: Time to say goodbye to my family and say hello to the workload and check email, Slack and any other messages for the upcoming Monday. yay! 😢
  • 👨‍💻 Monday and Tuesday have been more about the same. Work, work, work. I’ve continued reading Clean Architecture and using my free time as best as I could: separating garbage in PETE , cardboard and Others; taking care of my dogs; reading through my Pocket list (I only have 128 articles left, from 350 I started with 2 months ago 🎉); greeting friends and family and spending some time learning Swift 5.
  • ✍️ Today I remembered decided it was a good time to come back to my blog, I created it to put whatever I wanted, but I have actually been almost inactive for a long period of time. So I’m starting these series now and hopefully I will catch up with some new topics in the coming weeks. That’s pretty much it, I have been skipping my training this week, my knees hurt (not really, but I need to blame something else bu myself).