
Pablo Guevara

Software Engineer

2009 --> 2019

December 24, 2019

I may be arriving late to the #️⃣ “2009 vs 2019” trend from a few weeks ago. But I just decided to think about all the things I have done in these last 10 years (also, they say each person follows its own path, so I’m just arriving to this ”milestone” right now). It was until today, Christmas day of 2019, that I got the time (~10 minutes 👀) and emotional effort to do some retrospective about my life in the last 10 years.

It’s not a VS, it’s a ->

I was starting this post as 2009 vs 2019, but then I realized I’m not making a fight out of my 2009 self vs my 2019 self. Maybe I would have done so 2 months ago lol, but now I know if I am where I am in 2019, it’s because I have evolved since 2009 (and before that). Back in 2009, my life was pretty simple: going to College, playing WoW, eating, some homework here and there, learning about the things that caused me interest and the school didn’t teach me (those were a lot 🤔). Now in 2019, my life is a little bit more complex: work, but make sure I don’t overwork so I lose track of my personal life; playing WoW Classic, but no more than 2 hours a day; eating, but as healthy as possible, as now I get sick when I eat like I used to 10 years ago; taking care, not only of me, but of my family; and learning, learning is the only constant since 2009, although now I have way less time to do so 😢. Not everything was perfect back in 2009: I had a student budget , that is, like $2 a day to survive; my professional experience was non-existent, also my hometown was not exactly the best place to exploit it (it’s not yet in 2019); I had 0 experience living alone by myself and I didn’t even have a possibility of survive by more than 4 hours. But there is where the evolution starts, I failed, multiple times, due to lot of these and other things I didn’t know about or I was unaware I needed them, I made bad decisions across the years, felt afraid, make more errors and eventually I started learning from all of that, I started paying attention and being more objective about my flaws, my situation, my family, and then I started growing 🌤. Making mistakes is not an option for living. Overall, the 2010s for have been about moving away from the commodity of living with my mom, to the adventure of being with no-one but myself and my girlfriend 👫; I moved to different cities in my country, away from my home town and now I only visit sporadically to greet my family; I started working, earning money, seeing that money going away, staying away from debt, but living in the edge; I have exploited my interest in programming and I like it, but the path has started to move to the side of what I had in mind even 2 years ago for myself; I have started thinking about my goals to the future, when a couple of months ago I only had in mind to survive; I had many downsides also, doubt of myself, impostor syndrome at work, a lot fear and a I lived in the comfort zone for a long time; I had get to travel a lot, knew places I didn’t even know they existed 10 years ago; I learnt about taking care of myself, physically and emotionally, now I understand I am the most important thing in my life and it’s up to me to make sure that person is stable.


I have no idea where I will be in 2029, part of my evolution this decade was about making objectives and understand why and how the path to reach them changes over time. Right now I have a clear objective for the next years, and things are still moving for that to come, I am making sure to be in charge in my life to reach them, not the other way. 🖖 So far I’m starting 2020 with another move, but this time it’s a little bit longer than the other movings I had this decade. It’s abroad countries. With this move, which means a new culture to embrace, different language, away from my family and friends and even a different weather; there comes more challenges in work, new duties, new expectations from myself, there will be obstacles, problems, mistakes will be made, but I will learn from them and keep moving forward. So I will keep evolving. 👽